Frequently asked questions

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

How to get to Pajasauna from Rovaniemi?

Pajasauna is located just 20 minutes (20 km) drive away from Rovaniemi city center. Our address is Pajatie 11, 97140 Muurola, Finland.

A taxi charge from the city center 50-60 € one way.

To use the public transportation, we would recommend the line 14 from Rovaniemi city center to Muurola and get down at bus stop Kemintie 2356, located at 200 meters from our facilities.

• Find the bus schedule and stop at

It is quicker and cheaper to come by train, only keep in mind that under -10 °C the train may have huge delay and it's important to inform the personnal about your destination. They may forget to open the door.

There is no public transportation available to go to muurola during the whole week for the 20 pm time slot. As well, Saturday and Sunday for the 12, 18 and 20 pm time slots.

On the other direction, there is no public transportation going for the way back to the city, the Tuesday and Wednesday for the 16 pm time slot and the Saturday for the 16 and 18 pm time slot.

How many people does the sauna hold?

The sauna hold a maximum of 5 adults.

How does the sauna work?

Saunas work by heating the air inside the room, causing the temperature to rise. At Pajasauna, we use the traditional method of heating sauna rocks using a wood burning fire stove. The bucket and ladle in the sauna can be used to raise the temperature. Pour a little water from the bucket onto the rocks. The water will instantly burst into steam with a sharp cracking sound and maybe a hiss. You've now added humidity to the air in the sauna, elevating the apparent heat.

What are the benefits of Sauna?

There are many benefits of incorporating saunas into your weekly routine. Studies show thats saunas are linked to providing relief for muscle soreness, promoting relaxation, improving cardiovascular health, metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity and physical performance. There are a lot of psychological benefits to Saunas, such as promoting better sleep, relaxation, de-stressing and reducing anxiety.

That being said, remember, individual tolerance and health considerations play a significant role in the use of saunas. It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

What is the best Sauna temperature?

Sauna temperatures usually range from 80°C to 100°C.

Can anyone use a sauna?

Most people can use saunas, but individuals with certain health conditions (pregnant women, those with cardiovascular issues / uncontrolled high blood pressure or any other medical condition) should consult with a healthcare professional before using a sauna. When in doubt - ask a professional!

Can I use a sauna if I have respiratory issue?

Individuals with respiratory conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before using a sauna. When in doubt - ask a professional!

Can I use a sauna if I'm pregnant?

Avoiding sauna use during pregnancy is usually best practice.

Is there parking?

There is parking place close from the building, though camping cars and caravans are advised to park in the church parking lot or the hotel lot.